مشاركة مميزة

إليك 3 برامج خطيرة يستعملها الهكرز لتحويل أي برنامج إلى كودات برمجية

نعلم جميعاً أن كل البرامج والتطبيقات الموجودة في شبكة الأنترنت ليست سوى عبارة عن مجموعة من أكواد برمجية تمت كتابتها بواسطة محررات مختلفة حس...

آخر الأخبار


Automate keyboard and mouse actions.

GhostMouse allows you to record and automate a sequence of mouse clicks and keystrokes on a Windows PC. To start the recording process, hit Record and start simulating the keyboard and mouse actions you'd like the application to record. To replay the recorded sequence, hit Play.

For instance, you can set up the playback speed, but also juggle with recording options. This way, you can choose which type of events you wish to record. GhostMouse supports not only mouse clicks, but also mouse movement on the screen, delay and keyboard actions.

As a conclusion, GhostMouse is one of the easiest ways to record mouse activity on the screen, and although some other software solutions provide much more complex features, this should be enough for users who don't want to record more than mouse . 

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